How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


Agents, Marketing


Consultants: Who Is

Right for You?

Today’s market demands that photographers actively and
consistently market their services. The question faced by many
visual pros is how to facilitate the many tasks related to market-
ing while continuing to service clients.
The answer that most photographers immediately come up
with is “I need a rep!”
While an agent (and I use the terms “agent” and “rep” inter-
changeably here) is indeed a solution for some, it is not the
answer for most photographers. In fact, a marketing assistant
and/or a freelance marketing consultant are more appropriate
suppliers for most photographers.
Read on to discover how each of these three professionals
might help you, and keep in mind that any relationship you
forge with a marketing partner will require your continual
effort, presence, and commitment.


While the responsibilities an agent will take on vary from
rep to rep, there are consistent tasks that most will perform.
Agents are historically responsible for the following:

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