Preamplifi ers and Input Signals 219
This is because:
● increased applied potentials produce higher thermal dissipations in the
components for the same operating currents;
● device performance tends to deteriorate at higher interelectrode potentials and
higher output voltage excursions; and,
● available high/voltage transistors tend to be more restricted in variety and less
good in performance than lower voltage types.
7.18 Controls
These fall into a variety of categories:
● gain controls needed to adjust the signal level between source and power
amplifi er stages;
● tone controls used to modify the tonal characteristics of the signal chain ; and,
● fi lters employed to remove unwanted parts of the incoming signal, and those
adjustments used to alter the quality of the audio presentation, such as stereo
channel balance or channel separation controls.
7.18.1 Gain Controls
These are the simplest in basic form and are often just a resistive potentiometer voltage
divider of the type shown in Figure 7.50. Although simple, this component can generate
a variety of problems. Of these, the fi rst is due to the value chosen for R 1. Unless this is
0V 0V
C 3 C 4
C 2
C 1
R 1
Figure 7.50 : Standard gain control circuit.