Audio Engineering

(Barry) #1
Interfacing and Processing 281

  1. Duncan , Ben , ‘ Building the world’s biggest PA ’ , Lighting and Sound International ,
    October. 1988.

  2. Duncan, Ben, A state of the art preamplifi er: AMP-02, Hi-Fi News , March, 1990.

  3. Duncan, Ben, Delayed audio signals, EW  WW , May 1995.

  4. Duncan , Ben , Signal chain , Studio Sound , 1991.

  5. Buxton, Joe, Input overvoltage protection , System Applications Guide, Analog
    Devices, Section 1, 156–173, 1993.

  6. Bin, David, Electronically balanced analogue line interfaces , Proc. lOA, Vol. 12,
    Part 8, 1990.

  7. Duncan, Ben, ‘ VCAs investigated, parts 1–4 ’ , Studio Sound , June to September,

  8. (Nameless), FETs as voltage controlled resistors , FET data book, Siliconix, 1986.

Further Reading

Augustadt, H. W., and Kannenberg, W. F., Longitudinal noise in audio circuits, Audio
Engineering, 1950, reprinted J.AES, July, 1968.

Fletcher , T. , ‘ Balanced or unbalanced? ’ , Studio Sound , November, 1980.

Fletcher , T. , ‘ Balanced or balanced? ’ , Studio Sound , December, 1981.

Huber , M. , ‘ Conceptual errors in microphone preamplifi cation ’ , Studio Sound , April,

Ott , H. W. , Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems , Ch. 4 , John Wiley , 1976.

Perkins, C., Measurement techniques for debugging systems and their interconnection ,
11th AES conference, Oregon, May, 1992.

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