474 Chapter 15
X(n) Y(n)
a 1 b 1
a 2 b 2
a 3 b 3
Gain dB
g dB
0 dB
fQ f
Figure 15.17(c) : To achieve the fl exibility of signal control, which analogue equalizers
exhibit in conventional mixing desks, an IIR fi lter can be used. Shown here it requires two
single-sample value delay elements and six multiplying operations each time it is presented
with an input sample value. We have symbolized the delay elements by using the z ^1
notation, which is used when digital fi lter structures are formally analyzed. The output
sequence can be expressed as bY11 21213232nnn na X a Xb Y a Xn nb Y.
The use ofz^1 notation allows us to express this difference or recurrence equation as
bYz11 2n ^0 aX zn^0 aX znn n n^1 bYz 2 1 aX z 3 2 bYz 3 2. The transfer function of
the structure is the ratio of the output over the input, just as it is in the case of an analogue
system. In this case the input and output happen to be sequences of numbers, and the
transfer function is indicated by the notation H(z):