Audio Engineering

(Barry) #1

774 Chapter 27

27.5.5 Effect Sends and Returns

Not all the functions required by the balance engineer can be incorporated within the
audio mixer. To facilitate the interconnection with outboard equipment, most audio
mixers have dedicated mix amplifi ers and signal injection points called effect sends
and returns, which make incorporation of other equipment within the signal fl ow as
straightforward as possible.

27.5.6 The Groups Revisited

In a recording situation, the mixing groups may well ultimately be used in the same
manner as described in relation to the live console, to group sections of the arrangement
so as to make the task of mixing more manageable. But the groups are used in a totally
different way during recording or tracking. During this phase, the groups are used to

Input strips Groups Master section


Signal flow

Figure 27.7 : Signal fl ow.
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