854 Chapter 29
Table 29.4 : Continued
Materials SRI (dB)
21-mm 1 & g boards or 19-mm chipboard 35
110-mm concrete and screed 42
21-mm 1 & g boards or 19-mm chipboard with plasterboard below and 50- mm sand
125-mm reinforced concrete and 150– mm screed 45
200-mm reinforced concrete and 50– mm screed 47
125-mm reinforced concrete and 50– mm screed on glass fi ber or mineral wool quilt 50
21-mm 1 & g boards or 19-mm chipboard in form of raft on mineral fi ber quilt with
plasterboard and 50– mm sand pugging
150-mm concrete on specialist fl oating raft 55–60
4-mm glass well sealed
6-mm glass well sealed 27
6-mm glass—12-mm gap—6-mm glass 28
12-mm glass well sealed 31
12-mm glass laminated 35
10-mm glass—80-mm gap—6-mm glass 37
4-mm glass—200-mm gap—4-mm glass 39
10-mm glass—200-mm gap—6-mm glass 44
10-mm glass—150-mm gap—8-mm glass 44
10-mm glass—200-mm gap—8-mm glass 52
29.3 Studio and Control Room Acoustics .....................................................................
Today the acoustic response of the control room is recognized as being as equally
important, if not more important, than that of the studio itself. This is partly due to
improvements in monitor loudspeakers, recent advances in the understanding of the
underlying psychoacoustics, and the recent trend of using the control room as a recording
space, for example, for synthesizers, whereby better contact can be maintained among
musician, producer, and recording engineer.