Audio Engineering

(Barry) #1

906 Index

Tape recording (continued)
magnetic theory , 750–751
physics , 751–752
recording formats , 756
analogue mastering , 758
analogue multitrack tape
machines , 759
cassette-based multitracks ,
speed stability , 754–755
tape speed , 754
Technics , 519
Television signal , 811–814
Temperature-dependent velocity ,
Tempered scale , 71–73
Tetrodes , 337 , 343–346
Texas Instruments TL071 op-amp,
circuit layout of , 208
Thermal dissipation limits ,
Thermal runaway , 295
Thermionic valve , 337
Three-stage architecture , 314
Throw , 131–132
Time base correction , 413 , 537
Time code , 794
longitudinal time code , 837–839
PAL and NTSC , 839–840
user bits , 840
vertical interval time code , 839
Time compression , 537–539 , 555
and expansion , 423–425
T-MOS , 195–196
TO3P power transistor
installation , 405
Tolerance percentage , 121–122
Tone control , 222–234 , 784–785
Toroidal transformer , 403
Toshiba , 612
TOSlink optical interface , 572
Track at once , 616
Transducer , see Drivers, in

Transform and masking coders ,
Transient , 4 , 13
defects , 214–216
Transient intermodulation
distortion (TID) , 214
Transistor amplifi er waveform
distortion , 190
Transistor constant-current
sources , 202–209
IC solutions , 206–209
Transistors , 128–129
switching arrangements ,
Transport stream , 432
Transversal fi lter , 515
Triode , 337
Trip circuit , 157
TTL levels , 447
Tube-based amplifi ers , see Valve
amplifi ers
Two-stage amplifi er architecture ,
Two-stage feedback amplifi er ,
201 , 202
Two-stage transistor voltage
amplifi er , 200
Tympanic membrane , 8 , 9

Uncorrelated noise signals,
combining levels of ,
User bits , 840

Vacuum tubes , 337
Valve amplifi ers , 313 , 337 , 351
output load impedance, effect
of , 364–365
output power , 365
output stages , 358–360
output transformer , 360–364
phase splitters , 355–358 , 359

single-ended vs. push–pull
operation , 352–354
solid-state devices:
BJTs , 349–350
valve audio amplifi er layouts ,
valves/vacuum tubes , 337
anode , 339–340
cathode , 338–339
control grid , 340–342
gettering , 346–347
heater ratings and cathode ,
microphony , 348–349
space charge , 342–343
tetrodes and pentodes ,
valve parameters , 346
Valves , 337
anode , 339–340
cathode , 338–339
control grid , 340–342
gettering , 346–347
heater ratings and cathode ,
microphony , 348–349
space charge , 342–343
tetrodes and pentodes , 343–346
valve parameters , 346
Velocity headphone , 742
Vertical interval , see Field
Vertical interval time code
(VITC) , 839
Video recorders , 611
Video synchronization , 809
analogue video interfaces , 823
color perception , 814–816
color television , 816
NTSC and PAL color
systems , 818–823
CRT and raster scanning ,
digital video , 824
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