
(Barry) #1


Amplius. In societate humana hoc est maxime necessa-
rium ut sit amicitia inter multos.
—Saint Thomas, Stephen began ...
—Ora pro nobis, Monk Mulligan groaned, sinking to a
There he keened a wailing rune.
—Pogue mahone! Acushla machree! It’s destroyed we are
from this day! It’s destroyed we are surely!
All smiled their smiles.
—Saint Thomas, Stephen smiling said, whose gorbel-
lied works I enjoy reading in the original, writing of incest
from a standpoint different from that of the new Viennese
school Mr Magee spoke of, likens it in his wise and curious
way to an avarice of the emotions. He means that the love
so given to one near in blood is covetously withheld from
some stranger who, it may be, hungers for it. Jews, whom
christians tax with avarice, are of all races the most given
to intermarriage. Accusations are made in anger. The chris-
tian laws which built up the hoards of the jews (for whom,
as for the lollards, storm was shelter) bound their affections
too with hoops of steel. Whether these be sins or virtues old
Nobodaddy will tell us at doomsday leet. But a man who
holds so tightly to what he calls his rights over what he calls
his debts will hold tightly also to what he calls his rights
over her whom he calls his wife. No sir smile neighbour
shall covet his ox or his wife or his manservant or his maid-
servant or his jackass.
—Or his jennyass, Buck Mulligan antiphoned.
—Gentle Will is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best
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