
(Barry) #1

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—God’s truth, says Alf. I heard that from the head ward-
er that was in
Kilmainham when they hanged Joe Brady, the invinci-
ble. He told me when they cut him down after the drop it
was standing up in their faces like a poker.
—Ruling passion strong in death, says Joe, as someone
—That can be explained by science, says Bloom. It’s only
a natural phenomenon, don’t you see, because on account
of the ...
And then he starts with his jawbreakers about phe-
nomenon and science and this phenomenon and the other
The distinguished scientist Herr Professor Luitpold Blu-
menduft tendered medical evidence to the effect that the
instantaneous fracture of the cervical vertebrae and con-
sequent scission of the spinal cord would, according to the
best approved tradition of medical science, be calculated to
inevitably produce in the human subject a violent gangli-
onic stimulus of the nerve centres of the genital apparatus,
thereby causing the elastic pores of the corpora cavernosa
to rapidly dilate in such a way as to instantaneously facili-
tate the flow of blood to that part of the human anatomy
known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenom-
enon which has been denominated by the faculty a morbid
upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection in articulo
mortis per diminutionem capitis.
So of course the citizen was only waiting for the wink
of the word and he starts gassing out of him about the in-

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