
(Barry) #1

10 Ulysses

dibble. (He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles) Bubbly
jock! Bubbly jock! Where are we? Open Sesame! Cometh
forth! (He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads, his glow-
worm’s nose running backwards over the letters which he
claws) Stay, good friend. I bring thee thy answer. Redbank
oysters will shortly be upon us. I’m the best o’cook. Those
succulent bivalves may help us and the truffles of Perig-
ord, tubers dislodged through mister omnivorous porker,
were unsurpassed in cases of nervous debility or viragitis.
Though they stink yet they sting. (He wags his head with
cackling raillery) Jocular. With my eyeglass in my ocular.
(He sneezes) Amen!
BLOOM: (Absently) Ocularly woman’s bivalve case is
worse. Always open sesame. The cloven sex. Why they fear
vermin, creeping things. Yet Eve and the serpent contra-
dicts. Not a historical fact. Obvious analogy to my idea.
Serpents too are gluttons for woman’s milk. Wind their way
through miles of omnivorous forest to sucksucculent her
breast dry. Like those bubblyjocular Roman matrons one
reads of in Elephantuliasis.
VIRAG: (His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes ston-
ily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone) That the
cows with their those distended udders that they have been
the the known ...
BLOOM: I am going to scream. I beg your pardon. Ah?
So. (He repeats) Spontaneously to seek out the saurian’s
lair in order to entrust their teats to his avid suction. Ant
milks aphis. (Profoundly) Instinct rules the world. In life.
In death.
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