
(Barry) #1

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(The soldiers turn their swimming eyes.)
BLOOM: (Elbowing through the crowd, plucks Stephen’s
sleeve vigorously) Come now, professor, that carman is wait-
STEPHEN: (Turns) Eh? (He disengages himself) Why
should I not speak to him or to any human being who walks
upright upon this oblate orange? (He points his finger) I’m
not afraid of what I can talk to if I see his eye. Retaining the
(He staggers a pace back)
BLOOM: (Propping him) Retain your own.
STEPHEN: (Laughs emptily) My centre of gravity is
displaced. I have forgotten the trick. Let us sit down some-
where and discuss. Struggle for life is the law of existence
but but human philirenists, notably the tsar and the king of
England, have invented arbitration. (He taps his brow) But
in here it is I must kill the priest and the king.
BIDDY THE CLAP: Did you hear what the professor
said? He’s a professor out of the college.
CUNTY KATE: I did. I heard that.
BIDDY THE CLAP: He expresses himself with such
marked refinement of phraseology.
CUNTY KATE: Indeed, yes. And at the same time with
such apposite trenchancy.
PRIVATE CARR: (Pulls himself free and comes forward)
What’s that you’re saying about my king?
(Edward the Seventh appears in an archway. He wars a
white jersey on which an image of the Sacred Heart is stitched
with the insignia of Garter and Thistle, Golden Fleece, El-

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