
(Barry) #1


CUNTY KATE: The brave and the fair.
BIDDY THE CLAP: Methinks yon sable knight will
joust it with the best.
CUNTY KATE: (Blushing deeply) Nay, madam. The
gules doublet and merry saint George for me!

The harlot’s cry from street to street
Shall weave Old Ireland’s windingsheet.

PRIVATE CARR: (Loosening his belt, shouts) I’ll wring
the neck of any fucking bastard says a word against my
bleeding fucking king.
BLOOM: (Shakes Cissy Caffrey’s shoulders) Speak, you!
Are you struck dumb? You are the link between nations and
generations. Speak, woman, sacred lifegiver!
CISSY CAFFREY: (Alarmed, seizes Private Carr’s sleeve)
Amn’t I with you? Amn’t I your girl? Cissy’s your girl. (She
cries) Police!
STEPHEN: (Ecstatically, to Cissy Caffrey)

White thy fambles, red thy gan

And thy quarrons dainty is.

VOICES: Police!
DISTANT VOICES: Dublin’s burning! Dublin’s burn-
ing! On fire, on fire!
(Brimstone fires spring up. Dense clouds roll past. Heavy
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