
(Barry) #1

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SECOND WATCH: Who are you? Do you know him?
PRIVATE CARR: (Lurches towards the watch) He insult-
ed my lady friend.
BLOOM: (Angrily) You hit him without provocation. I’m
a witness. Constable, take his regimental number.
SECOND WATCH: I don’t want your instructions in the
discharge of my duty.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Pulling his comrade) Here, bug-
ger off Harry. Or Bennett’ll shove you in the lockup.
PRIVATE CARR: (Staggering as he is pulled away) God
fuck old Bennett. He’s a whitearsed bugger. I don’t give a
shit for him.
FIRST WATCH: (Takes out his notebook) What’s his
BLOOM: (Peering over the crowd) I just see a car there. If
you give me a hand a second, sergeant ...
FIRST WATCH: Name and address.
(Corny Kelleker, weepers round his hat, a death wreath in
his hand, appears among the bystanders.)
BLOOM: (Quickly) O, the very man! (He whispers) Si-
mon Dedalus’ son. A bit sprung. Get those policemen to
move those loafers back.
SECOND WATCH: Night, Mr Kelleher.
CORNY KELLEHER: (To the watch, with drawling eye)
That’s all right. I know him. Won a bit on the races. Gold
cup. Throwaway. (He laughs) Twenty to one. Do you follow
FIRST WATCH: (Turns to the crowd) Here, what are you
all gaping at? Move on out of that.

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