
(Barry) #1

00 Ulysses

with a half laugh. I got stuck twice in the junior at the chris-
tian brothers.
—I have no place to sleep myself, Stephen informed
Corley at the first go-off was inclined to suspect it was
something to do with Stephen being fired out of his digs for
bringing in a bloody tart off the street. There was a doss-
house in Marlborough street, Mrs Maloney’s, but it was only
a tanner touch and full of undesirables but M’Conachie told
him you got a decent enough do in the Brazen Head over
in Winetavern street (which was distantly suggestive to the
person addressed of friar Bacon) for a bob. He was starving
too though he hadn’t said a word about it.
Though this sort of thing went on every other night or
very near it still Stephen’s feelings got the better of him in
a sense though he knew that Corley’s brandnew rigmarole
on a par with the others was hardly deserving of much cre-
dence. However haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere
disco etcetera as the Latin poet remarks especially as luck
would have it he got paid his screw after every middle of the
month on the sixteenth which was the date of the month as
a matter of fact though a good bit of the wherewithal was
demolished. But the cream of the joke was nothing would
get it out of Corley’s head that he was living in affluence and
hadn’t a thing to do but hand out the needful. Whereas. He
put his hand in a pocket anyhow not with the idea of finding
any food there but thinking he might lend him anything up
to a bob or so in lieu so that he might endeavour at all events
and get sufficient to eat but the result was in the negative
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