
(Barry) #1

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the top from the lowest rung by the aid of their bootstraps.
Sheer force of natural genius, that. With brains, sir.
For which and further reasons he felt it was his inter-
est and duty even to wait on and profit by the unlookedfor
occasion though why he could not exactly tell being as it
was already several shillings to the bad having in fact let
himself in for it. Still to cultivate the acquaintance of some-
one of no uncommon calibre who could provide food for
reflection would amply repay any small. Intellectual stim-
ulation, as such, was, he felt, from time to time a firstrate
tonic for the mind. Added to which was the coincidence of
meeting, discussion, dance, row, old salt of the here today
and gone tomorrow type, night loafers, the whole galaxy of
events, all went to make up a miniature cameo of the world
we live in especially as the lives of the submerged tenth, viz.
coalminers, divers, scavengers etc., were very much under
the microscope lately. To improve the shining hour he won-
dered whether he might meet with anything approaching
the same luck as Mr Philip Beaufoy if taken down in writ-
ing suppose he were to pen something out of the common
groove (as he fully intended doing) at the rate of one guinea
per column. My Experiences, let us say, in a Cabman’s Shel-
The pink edition extra sporting of the Telegraph tell a
graphic lie lay, as luck would have it, beside his elbow and as
he was just puzzling again, far from satisfied, over a country
belonging to him and the preceding rebus the vessel came
from Bridgwater and the postcard was addressed A. Boudin
find the captain’s age, his eyes went aimlessly over the re-

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