
(Barry) #1

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relations, when the thing ran its normal course, became in
due course intimate. Then the decree nisi and the King’s
proctor tries to show cause why and, he failing to quash it,
nisi was made absolute. But as for that the two misdemean-
ants, wrapped up as they largely were in one another, could
safely afford to ignore it as they very largely did till the mat-
ter was put in the hands of a solicitor who filed a petition
for the party wronged in due course. He, B, enjoyed the dis-
tinction of being close to Erin’s uncrowned king in the flesh
when the thing occurred on the historic fracas when the
fallen leader’s, who notoriously stuck to his guns to the last
drop even when clothed in the mantle of adultery, (leader’s)
trusty henchmen to the number of ten or a dozen or possi-
bly even more than that penetrated into the printing works
of the Insuppressible or no it was United Ireland (a by no
means by the by appropriate appellative) and broke up the
typecases with hammers or something like that all on ac-
count of some scurrilous effusions from the facile pens of
the O’Brienite scribes at the usual mudslinging occupation
reflecting on the erstwhile tribune’s private morals. Though
palpably a radically altered man he was still a command-
ing figure though carelessly garbed as usual with that look
of settled purpose which went a long way with the shilly-
shallyers till they discovered to their vast discomfiture that
their idol had feet of clay after placing him upon a pedestal
which she, however, was the first to perceive. As those were
particularly hot times in the general hullaballoo Bloom
sustained a minor injury from a nasty prod of some chap’s
elbow in the crowd that of course congregated lodging some

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