
(Barry) #1


temper of her own sometimes) and spoil the hash altogether
as on the night he misguidedly brought home a dog (breed
unknown) with a lame paw (not that the cases were either
identical or the reverse though he had hurt his hand too) to
Ontario Terrace as he very distinctly remembered, having
been there, so to speak. On the other hand it was altogeth-
er far and away too late for the Sandymount or Sandycove
suggestion so that he was in some perplexity as to which of
the two alternatives. Everything pointed to the fact that it
behoved him to avail himself to the full of the opportunity,
all things considered. His initial impression was he was a
shade standoffish or not over effusive but it grew on him
someway. For one thing he mightn’t what you call jump at
the idea, if approached, and what mostly worried him was
he didn’t know how to lead up to it or word it exactly, sup-
posing he did entertain the proposal, as it would afford him
very great personal pleasure if he would allow him to help
to put coin in his way or some wardrobe, if found suitable.
At all events he wound up by concluding, eschewing for the
nonce hidebound precedent, a cup of Epps’s cocoa and a
shakedown for the night plus the use of a rug or two and
overcoat doubled into a pillow at least he would be in safe
hands and as warm as a toast on a trivet he failed to per-
ceive any very vast amount of harm in that always with the
proviso no rumpus of any sort was kicked up. A move had
to be made because that merry old soul, the grasswidow-
er in question who appeared to be glued to the spot, didn’t
appear in any particular hurry to wend his way home to
his dearly beloved Queenstown and it was highly likely
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