
(Barry) #1

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from their respective intermediate station or terminal.
When countrybound velocipedes, a chainless freewheel
roadster cycle with side basketcar attached, or draught con-
veyance, a donkey with wicker trap or smart phaeton with
good working solidungular cob (roan gelding, 14 h).
What might be the name of this erigible or erected resi-
Bloom Cottage. Saint Leopold’s. Flowerville.
Could Bloom of 7 Eccles street foresee Bloom of Flower-
In loose allwool garments with Harris tweed cap, price
8/6, and useful garden boots with elastic gussets and water-
ingcan, planting aligned young firtrees, syringing, pruning,
staking, sowing hayseed, trundling a weedladen wheelbar-
row without excessive fatigue at sunset amid the scent of
newmown hay, ameliorating the soil, multiplying wisdom,
achieving longevity.
What syllabus of intellectual pursuits was simultaneous-
ly possible?
Snapshot photography, comparative study of religions,
folklore relative to various amatory and superstitious prac-
tices, contemplation of the celestial constellations.
What lighter recreations?
Outdoor: garden and fieldwork, cycling on level macad-
amised causeways ascents of moderately high hills, natation
in secluded fresh water and unmolested river boating in se-
cure wherry or light curricle with kedge anchor on reaches
free from weirs and rapids (period of estivation), vesper-
tinal perambulation or equestrian circumprocession with

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