
(Barry) #1

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mattress (striped) and the woollen mattress (biscuit sec-
What past consecutive causes, before rising preappre-
hended, of accumulated fatigue did Bloom, before rising,
silently recapitulate?
The preparation of breakfast (burnt offering): intestinal
congestion and premeditative defecation (holy of holies):
the bath (rite of John): the funeral (rite of Samuel): the ad-
vertisement of Alexander Keyes (Urim and Thummim):
the unsubstantial lunch (rite of Melchisedek): the visit to
museum and national library (holy place): the bookhunt
along Bedford row, Merchants’ Arch, Wellington Quay
(Simchath Torah): the music in the Ormond Hotel (Shi-
ra Shirim): the altercation with a truculent troglodyte in
Bernard Kiernan’s premises (holocaust): a blank period of
time including a cardrive, a visit to a house of mourning, a
leavetaking (wilderness): the eroticism produced by femi-
nine exhibitionism (rite of Onan): the prolonged delivery
of Mrs Mina Purefoy (heave offering): the visit to the dis-
orderly house of Mrs Bella Cohen, 82 Tyrone street, lower
and subsequent brawl and chance medley in Beaver street
(Armageddon)nocturnal perambulation to and from the
cabman’s shelter, Butt Bridge (atonement).
What selfimposed enigma did Bloom about to rise in
order to go so as to conclude lest he should not conclude in-
voluntarily apprehend?
The cause of a brief sharp unforeseen heard loud lone
crack emitted by the insentient material of a strainveined
timber table.

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