Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
210 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 6

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


  1. The chipmunk buried the nuts. It would need [ them in the winter.

  2. Mi Ling lost her pen, so I gave [ her mine.

  3. The dogs were barking, and [ they woke me up.

  4. The monkeys at the zoo were very playful. [ They entertained us for an hour.

  5. Moisha and I solved the mystery. [ We were proud of ourselves.

  6. Mrs. Lopez went to aerobics class every Sunday. It helped [ her stay healthy.

  7. We took the recipes out of the box and organized [ them.

  8. My mom and I finished shopping, and then the bus took [ us home.

  9. Rafael had a sore throat, so his dad took [ him to the doctor.
    Exercise 4 Underline each adjective and circle each adverb. Ignore the articles a, an,
    and the.
    I was very gladI could fix the oldbicycle.

  10. My family finally bought a newminivan.

  11. Julie described Boston as a beautifulcity.

  12. Benito already has a positiveattitude.

  13. Liz works extremely hard to get goodgrades.

  14. A largerock partially covered the entrance to the cave.

  15. Museums typically display rarepaintings.

  16. We walked quickly toward the warmcampfire.

  17. The redcar stopped abruptly in front of the house.

  18. The uniquegift completely surprised Olivia.

  19. Kevin carefully carved the wood into a smallhorse.

  20. The opengate thumped loudly against the post.

  21. Would the redcover look betterthan the blueone?

  22. The bandconcert ended with a fastmarch.

  23. Priscilla ran fast to catch the earlybus.

  24. The autumnleaves fell early thisyear.

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