Grammar and Language Workbook

(Axel Boer) #1
Unit 13, Vocabulary and Spelling 281

Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

Vocabulary and

Lesson 92
Basic Spelling Rules II

When a word ends in a single consonant following one vowel, double the final
consonant if the word is one syllable. Also double the final consonant if the last
syllable of the word is accented and the accent stays there after the suffix is added.
sit + -ing= sitting slap + -ed= slapped sad + -er= sadder
refer + -ed= referred occur + -ence= occurrence deter + -ing= deterring
Do not double the final consonant if the suffix begins with a consonant, if the
accent is not on the last syllable, or if the accent moves when the suffix is added.
hurt + ful = hurtful pain + -less = painless great + -ly= greatly
envelop + -ed= enveloped govern + -ing= governing motor + -ize= motorize
refer + -ence= reference confer + -ence= conference
Do not double the final consonant if two vowels come before the final consonant
or if the word ends in two consonants.
drain + -ed= drained moan + -ing= moaning keep + -ing= keeping
start + -er= starter belong + -ing= belonging apart + -ment= apartment
When adding -lyto a word that ends in ll, drop one l.
dull + -ly= dully full + -ly= fully
When forming compound words, keep the original spelling of both words.
soap + box = soapbox fly + wheel = flywheel back + pack = backpack

 Exercise 1 Write the word that is formed when the suffix given is added to each word.
fan + -ing fanning

  1. pat + -ed patted

  2. expel + -ing expelling

  3. full + -ly fully

  4. rain + -ing raining

  5. admit + -ance admittance

  6. shut + -er shutter

  7. civil + -ize civilize
    8. confer + -ence conference
    9. glad + -est gladdest

  8. main + -ly mainly

  9. equip + -ed equipped

  10. sharp + -ly sharply

  11. layer + -ing layering

  12. pad + -ing padding

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