Unit 2, Nouns 63
Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Unit 2: Nouns
Lesson 8
Nouns: Proper and Common
A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
There are two basic kinds of nouns: common nouns and proper nouns.
A common nounnames any person, place, thing, or idea.
A proper nounnames a particular person, place, thing, or idea. It may consist of
one or more words. Always begin a proper noun with a capital letter. If a proper
noun has more than one word, capitalize the first word and all the important
People: student Jan Lopez
police officer Captain Michael Millay
Places: school Dewey Middle School
park Central Park
Things: poem “Jabberwocky”
painting Mona Lisa
Exercise 1 Write com. above each common noun and prop. above each proper noun.
com. com. com.
My stepfather bought me blue slacks and a red jacket.
prop. prop. com.
- Uncle Lloyd, Aunt June, and I went to a movie.
prop. com. com. - The Cubs won the first game of the season.
prop. com. com. prop. - Felicia scored ten points in the game against Davis School.
prop. prop. prop. - The Americans fought the British in the Battle of New Orleans.
prop. com. com. - Brenda is a new student in our class.
prop. com. com. prop. - Jaime got a good grade on his paper about Albert Einstein.
com. com. prop. - We left our bags at the station in Pittsburgh.
prop. com. - In Philadelphia we visited many historical places.
com. prop. prop. - Does this book on Egypt belong to Maria?
com. prop. com. - May we have a picnic at Lincoln Park this weekend?