Unit 2, Nouns 71
Copyright © by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Unit 2 Review
Exercise 1 Write prop. above each proper noun, com. above each common noun, and
col. above each collective noun.
prop. prop. com.
Jamie and Pat live in the same neighborhood.
com. prop.
- Have you seen my copy of Jem’s Island?
prop. prop. col. - Sharon and Akira belong to the club.
com. com. prop. - The balloons sailed through the sky above Walker Stadium.
col. com. - Watch out for that swarm of bees.
com. prop. - The clothing at Frederico’s Department Store is very expensive.
com. prop. com. - All the middle schools in Newton have large libraries.
col. com. - Our family is trying to spend more time together.
prop. com. - The red Ford belongs to my sister.
col. com. com. - The crowd of runners is almost at the line.
col. com. - Do you think the audience liked the play?
Exercise 2 Write Sabove each singular noun and Pabove each plural noun. Draw a
line under each singular or plural noun that is also a possessive noun.
That is Steve’sblack truck.
PS - Your shirts are in this drawer.
SP S - Alma’sshoes are under the bed.
PS - Look at the books in this library!
SP - This town has two newspapers.
SSP - Is this the librarian’slist of books?
SPP - The team needs new bats and gloves.