requirements which can teach us something about logical systems,
about methods to be used in the social sciences and about the inge-
nuity of the people who develop them; they tell us little about actual
languages ... or about the species characterized, at least in part, by
those languages. We must not, simply because a linguistic theory
requires certain methodological procedures, confound these pro-
cedures with the object to which they are applied. (Hagège, The
Dialogic Species, 35)
And Hagège also observed that:
Linguistics, born of the recognition of constants, is in large part
becoming a study of variation against a background of invariants;
a science that no longer contemplates constants in and of them-
selves, but subsumes them under the thousand faces of their
variants. (67)
This consideration coincides with what Guattari wrote about lan-
guage in L’Inconscient machinique. Rather than question language from
the point of view of structure, Guattari questions it from the point of
view of eventuality, of the speech act: removed from the generative
conception of structuralism that makes of language the execution (that
is, repetition) of a preconstituted and innate programme, language is
thus rethought according to a nomadic vision.
Language is essentially deterritorialization, the invention of a con-
text. We generally say that the meaning of a statement depends on the
context, but we must add that the meaning of the context in turn
depends on the statements that intersect it. As the invention of con-
texts, the constant mutation of laws within which the game is played,
language is stateless and nomadic. Which does not exclude, obviously,
identifying nuclei – truly anchored, territorialized – of linguistic flows
from being determined. The stabilization of national languages, the
formation of codes, subcultures and so forth constitute regimes of lin-
guistic territorialization. In this area, communication does not func-
tion as redefinition and invention of contexts, but as its confirmation,
as identification and self-identification.
And here we turn to the theme of the refrain.
The refrain is above all a musical phrase that returns in the course of
a song: a phrase that, in returning, constructs and brings forth the
complex rhythm. It is a factor of assemblage: by constructing rhythm
and bringing forth the song’s complex rhythm, the refrain functions as
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