The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

(Ron) #1

Eire ̄naios, Eleutheros, Lusias, Mithradate ̄s VI, Moskhio ̄n (Pharm.), Orestinos, Prae-
cepta Salubria, Trupho ̄n of Gortun.
Fir (Greek: elate ̄; Abies cephalonica L.): Lampo ̄n.
Flax (Greek: linon and linospermon; Linum usitatissimum L.): He ̄liade ̄s, Iunia/Iounias, O ̄rige-
neia, Ze ̄nophilos.
Fleabane: (see Konuza)
Flour: (see Wheat)
Frankincense (Greek: libanos and libano ̄tos; Boswellia sacra Flueck.): Aelius Gallus, Akhilla ̄s,
Alkimio ̄n, Amarantos, Amuthao ̄n, Aphroda ̄s, Apollophane ̄s of Seleukeia, Attalos III
of Pergamon, Aurelius, Bithus, Blastos, Damonikos, De ̄ïleo ̄n, Diome ̄de ̄s, Dio ̄n (Med.),
Dionusios of Samos, Diophantos of Lukia, Do ̄sitheos (Pharm.), Epidauros, Euangeus,
Halieus, Harpalos (Pharm.), Harpokratio ̄n, Hekataios (Pharm.), He ̄rakleide ̄s of Ephe-
sos, Hermeias (Ophthalm.), Hermogene ̄s of Smurna, Hierax, Hikesios of Smurna,
Ioudaios, Iulianus (of Alexandria?), Iulius Bassus, Iunia/Iounias, Kimo ̄n, Kleoboulos
(Pharm.), Kleo ̄n (of Kuzikos?), Kleophantos, Klutos, Krateros, Kurillos, Kuros, Leukios,
Lusias, Manetho ̄n (Pharm.), Menemakhos, Menoitas/Menoitios, Mithradate ̄s VI,
Mnaseas (Method.), Moskhio ̄n (Pharm.), Muro ̄n, Nike ̄ratos, Olumpiakos, Olumpi-
onikos, Parisinus medicus, Pasio ̄n, Patroklos, Petro ̄nios Musa, Philokle ̄s, Philo ̄tas, Phi-
loxenos, Primio ̄n, Puthio ̄n (Pharm.), Rufus of Ephesos, So ̄kratio ̄n, Solo ̄n, Telephane ̄s,
Thaïs, Theuda ̄s “Sarkophagos”, Threptos, Timaios (Pharm.), Trupho ̄n of Gortun.
Fungus: (see Mushroom)

Garlic (Greek: skorodon; Allium sativum L.): Menandros (of Pergamon?), Praecepta Salubria.
Gentian (Greek: gentiane ̄; Gentiana lutea L. and G. purpurea L.): Abaskantos, Amarantos,
Anastasios, Aquila Secundilla, Arbinas, Aspasia, Brenitus, Doarios, Genthios, Iustus the
Pharmacologist, Kallinikos, Kratippos, Lepidianus, Logadios, Nearkhos, Nikostratos
(Pharm.), O ̄rigeneia.
Gentian, Great/Yellow (Gentiana lutea L.): Proklos the Methodist.
Germander (Greek: khamaidrus [“ground oak”]; Teucrium chaemaedrys L.): Abaskantos,
Epaphroditos of Carthage, Iustus the Pharmacologist, Lepidianus, Proklos the
Ginger (Greek: zingiberi; Zingiber officinale Roscoe): Amarantos, Arbinas, Bouphantos,
Cassius, Cornelius, Diophantos of Lukia, pseudo-Elias (pseudo-David), Kleophantos,
Marcellus (Pharm.), Menestheus, Nikostratos (Pharm.), pseudo-Orpheus (Med.),
Pankharios, Poseido ̄nios (Med. II), Sandarius/Sardacius, So ̄krate ̄s (Med.), Ze ̄nophilos,
Zo ̄ilos of Macedon.
Ginger, European Wild (Greek: asaron; Asarum europaeum L.): Euskhe ̄mos, Nike ̄ratos,
Pasikrate ̄s, Ze ̄nophilos.
Gladiolus (Greek: xiphion; Gladiolus segetum Gawler): Minucianus.
Gourd (Greek: kolokunthis; Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad.; cf. Colocynth, Squash): Iustus
the Pharmacologist, Khrusippos of Knidos (I).
Grape: (see Vine (Grape))

Halikababon (Greek; probably Physalis alkekengi L., “winter cherry”): Hierax, Timaristos.
Hart’s Tongue (Greek: skolopendrion; Asplenium scolopendrium L.): Nearkhos.
Hartwort (Greek: seseli; Tordylium officinale L.): Cornelius, Khrusermos, Pankharios.
Hartwort, Massilian (Seseli tortuosum L.): Hubriste ̄s.

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