Works (of reference and editions) cited by abbreviation of title:
ACA Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Series (London and Ithaca 1989–), ed. R. Sorabji
ACT Astronomical cuneiform texts: Babylonian ephemerides of the Seleucid period for the motion
of the sun, the moon, and the planets (London 1955; repr. New York and Berlin
1983), ed. O. Neugebauer
AL Anthologia Latina, 2 vv. in 5 (Leipzig 1893–1926; repr. 1964, 1973), ed. Fr.
Bücheler (v. 2) and A. Riese (v. 1)
AML Antike Medizin: Ein Lexikon (München 2005), ed. K.-H. Leven
ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (Berlin and New York 1972–), ed.
H. Temporini
BAGRW Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world (Princeton 2000), ed. R.J. Talbert
BBKL Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, 26 vv. (Hamm 1975–2005), ed. F.W.
BEA Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (New York and Berlin 2007), ed. Thos. A.
BNJ Brill’s new Jacoby, ed. I. Worthington et al. (forthcoming); see http://
BNP Brill’s New Pauly 11 vv. to date (Leiden 2002–), ed. H. Cancik and H. Schnei-
der (the NP is cited instead of not-yet published volumes of the BNP, or when
an entry is missing from the BNP)
BTML Bibliographie des textes médicaux latins. Antiquité et haut moyen âge, edd. G. Sabbah,
P.-P. Corsetti, and K.-D. Fischer (Saint-Étienne 1987 [1988]) = Mémoires du
Centre Jean Palerne 6; and Premier Supplement, 1986– 1999 (2000), ed. K.-D. Fischer
CA Collectanea Alexandrina (Oxford 1925; repr. 1970, 1981), ed. J.U. Powell
CAAG Collection des anciens alchimistes Grecs, 3 vv. (Paris 1883–1888; repr. London 1963),
ed. M. Berthelot and Ch.-Ém. Ruelle
CAG Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, 23 vv. and three supplements, some in multiple
parts (Berlin 1882–1909)
CCAG Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, 12 vv. in 20 parts (Brussels 1898–1953),
ed. D. Bassi, Fr. Boll, P. Boudreaux, Fr. Cumont, A. Delatte, J. Heeg, W. Kroll,
E. Martini, A. Olivieri, Ch.-Ém. Ruelle, M.A.F. Sˇangin, St. Weinstock, and
C.O. Zuretti
CAR Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum (Naples 1993–): 1. M. Clavel-Lévêque et al., Les
conditions des terres, Siculus Flaccus (1993); 2. Présentation systematique de toutes les
figures (1996); 3. J.-Y. Guillaumin, Balbus. Podismus et textes connexes (1996); 4.
M. Clavel-Lévêque et al., Hygin l’arpenteur, l’établissement des limites (1996); 5.
O. Behrends et al., Hygin. L’oeuvre gromatique (2000)
CESS Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit, Series A, 5 vv. to date (Philadelphia
1970–1994), ed. D.E. Pingree
CHG Corpus Hippiatricorum Graecorum 1: Hippiatrica Berolinensia (Leipzig, 1924) and 2:
Hippiatrica Parisina, Hippiatrica Cantabrigiensia, Additamenta Londinensia, Excerpta
Lugdunensia (Leipzig 1927); (both vv. repr. Stuttgart 1971), ed. E. Oder and
C. Hoppe
CMAG Catalogue des manuscripts alchimiques grecs, 8 vv. (Brussels 1924–1932), ed. J. Bidez
et al.
CMG Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (Berlin 1908–)