See also: A ( T?), A, E C,
K T, M .
skotodinie ̄/skotodinos/skoto ̄ma dizziness with darkening of vision, a commonly-
cited symptom: H C, Affections 2 (6.210 Littré), Diseases 2.4, 15, 18
(7.12, 28, 32 Littré = CUF v. 10.2, ed. Jouanna, pp. 136, 149, 152), Epidemics 7.84.4
(5.442 Littré = CUF v. 4.3, ed. Jouanna, p. 99); T, Dizziness; G Loc.
Aff. 3 (8.201 K.), Sanit. 5.10.14, 6.9.22, 6.12.1 (CMG 5.4.2, pp. 136, 149, 152); -
G, D 251 (19.417 K.). Contrast the modern scotoma, an area of
defective visual acuity and cf. modern vertigo.
See also: P (P.), P (M. II).
so ̄ri or soru a copper ore from Cyprus, found in the lowest levels, below khalkitis:
D, MM 5.74, 102; G, Simples 9.3.21 (12.226–229 K.); A in
P A, 7.24.11 (CMG 9.2, p. 398); Durling 1993: 309.
spodion or spodos “ash,” meaning copper oxide: H, Diseases of Women,
1.103–104; D, MM 5.75; G, Simples 9.3.25 (12.234–235 K.).
See also: K K (M.), N, P T, S (E.).
staphis/staphis agria a Delphinium (Larkspur) species, probably Delphinium staphis-
agria L., whose seeds are the source of an insecticide: D, MM 2.159, 4.152
(non-“wild”: 5.3); P 23.17–18; Wood and LaWall 1926: 1027–1028; Usher 1974:
202; André 1985: 248; Durling 1993: 298 (follows André).
See also: A, E, P.
Stoa/Stoic Z’s school in Athens, originally a colonnaded porch (stoa) where he
taught; the doctrines of Stoicism were largely influenced by C S and
P A. The school seems not to have persisted after ca 200 CE.
Entries on Stoics (many by Lehoux): A, A, A L,
A S, A T, A T, A
S, A N, A, A (?), A-
T, B S (S), C, D (A. I) (?),
D B, D K, G, H (S),
H A, H A, I, K,
K, K, M, M, M, O K-
, P R, P A, S (S), S-
B, S A, T A (S),
Z ( M?) (?), Z K.
See also: A P, A, A U, A,
A R, A, A D, A I,
A M, A D, A A,
B S (P.), C L, D , D
(A.), D L, D M, D
K, G, G P, H, I F,
H, I, K, L , O M,
X, G, P. B. 9782, P Y, P
L, P A, P L, P, P-
, P A, P, P (M. I), S, S-
H, S, T, T, M. T C,
V, V, Z S.
sturax (Lat.: storax) the resin of Styrax officinalis L., an effective expectorant, also