4.1 Taxonomy of Microorganisms in Aquatic Environments 101
Nonenveloped, round, icosahedral symmetry (T=1), about 30
nm in diameter. The capsid consists of 12 pentagonal trumpet-
shaped pentomers. The virion is composed of 60 copies each of
the F, G, and J proteins, and 12 copies of the H protein. There are
12 spikes which are each composed of 5 G and one H proteins.
Attacks Bdellovibrio, Chlamydia, Enterobacteria, Spiroplasma,
Enterobacteria Clamydiamicrovirus and Bdellomicrovirus:
intracellular parasitic bacteria. Spiromicrovirus: Spiroplasma.
D Protein
Procapsid Virion
B Protein
H Protein F Protein
G Protein
J Protein
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics T=1
8 Myoviridae
Myoviruses are not enveloped and consist of a head and a tail sepa
rated by a neck. The head has icosahedral symmetry, while the tail
is tubular and has helical symmetry. The capsid that constitutes the
head is made up of 152 capsomers. The head has a diameter of
50-110nm; the tail is 16-20nm in diameter. The tail consists of a
central tube, a contractile sheath, a collar, a base plate, six tail pins
and six long fibers. Tail structure is similar to tectiviridae, but dif
fers in the fact that a myovirus’ tail is permanent. Contractions of
the tail require ATP. When the sheath is contracted, it measures
10 15 nm in lengthicosahedral capsid, circular ssDNA.
Myoviruses, being bacteriophages, infect bacteria. The most com
monly infected bacteria is Escherichia coli. Myoviruses are viru
lent phages, meaning they do not integrate their genetic material
with their host cell’s, and they usually kill their host cell. Others
are Bdellovibrio, Chlamydia, Enterobacteria, Spiroplasma.