Environmental Microbiology of Aquatic and Waste Systems

(Martin Jones) #1

7.2 Pollution of Water with Reference to Human Health: Bacterial Indicators of Fecal Pollution 171

wastewater treatment/disinfection efficacy
(Stewart-Pullaro et al. 2006 ). F+ RNA coliphages
can be distinguished genetically (via nucleic
acid detection methods) or antigenically (via
immunological methods) into four distinct sub-
groups: I, II, III, and IV. Groups II and III are
associated primarily with human fecal waste
and Groups I and IV are associated primarily
with animal fecal waste (see Fig. 7.4).
Strengths of the use of coliphages as indicators
The advantages of F+ coliphages as fecal
indicators include their

  • Presence in relatively high concentrations in

  • Relatively high persistence through waste-
    water treatment plants, compared to typical
    bacterial indicators like E. coli and fecal
    coliforms (coliphages may behave similarly
    to human viruses during wastewater

  • Ability to be detected in relatively small
    (100 ml) to medium (1,000 ml) volumes of
    fecally contaminated water
    The use of coliphage typing for microbial
    source tracking is library independent, but can
    only be used to broadly distinguish human and
    animal fecal contamination. However, there is a
    problem with separation between human sero-
    types and serotypes associated with pigs, which
    also contain group II. Furthermore, not all animals
    have FRNA coliphage associated with their
    respective E. coli. The coliphage is persistent in

the environment for less than a week and sur-
vival is a function of sunlight and water tem-
perature. Ultraviolet light denatures the virus
and below 25°C, F-pilus synthesis ceases. The
coliphage does not replicate in the environment,
only in the presence of F-pilus E. coli, and is not
found in sediments, just in the water column.
2 The biochemical methods
(a) Antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA)
ARA is a method that is based on patterns of
antibiotic resistance of bacteria from human
and animal sources. The premise behind this
method is that human fecal bacteria will have
greater resistance to specific antibiotics fol-
lowed by livestock and wildlife, and that live-
stock will have greater resistance to some
antibiotics not used in humans. These differ-
ences occur because humans are exposed to dif-
ferent antibiotics as against cattle or pigs,
poultry, or wildlife. Human fecal bacteria will
be expected to have the greatest resistance to
antibiotics normally used for humans and that
domestic and wildlife animal fecal bacteria will
have significantly less resistance (but still dif-
ferent) to the battery of antibiotics and concen-
trations used. Isolates of fecal streptococci and/
or E. coli are taken from various sources
(human, livestock, and wildlife), and these iso-
lates are grown on a variety of antibiotics.
Following incubation, isolates are scored as
“growth/no growth” for each concentration of
an antibiotic. The resistance pattern of an organ-
ism is used to identify its source. A database of
antibiotic resistant patterns from known sources
within a watershed is prepared as a basis for
comparing and identifying isolates in that
Three approaches have been followed in the
use of antibiotic resistance in MST: antibiotic
resistance analysis (ARA), multiple antibiotic
resistance (MAR), and the filter paper disc (or
Kirby-Bauer). In ARA studies, different con-
centrations of each antibiotic being tested are
used; in MAR studies, bacteria are tested for
resistance to one concentration of different anti-
biotics. In the filter paper disc approach, small
filter disks impregnated with antibiotics are
placed on the test organism on agar; the zone of
growth inhibition around the disks is used to

Fig. 7.4 Spectrum of F+ coliphages (Bacteriophage Family
Leviviridae) (Modified from Smith 2006 )

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