I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

Filters: Sex and Other Misconceptions 163

C H A P T E R 6


Filters: Sex and

Other Misconceptions

A good interrogator is always hedging bets, seeing how
much he can get away with. The techniques he uses cen-
ter on his ability to manipulate your filters—gender-related
traits, cultural factors, and projections.

When I’m trying to build rapport with a mature Arab
man in interrogation, I begin with the likelihood that he has
a son, and that his son is the light of his life. So I may begin
with, “Your oldest child, your son....” He will not say, “No,
my daughter.” It will not happen. Even if he has a daughter
that is his oldest child, he would not admit that to an Anglo.
And then I would refer to the son by one of the popular
names for an oldest male and have roughly a 40 percent
chance of getting it right. By this time, I’ve used his own
filters to convince him that I know more about him than I
actually do.

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