I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
D Politicians, Pundits, and Stars 209

C H A P T E R 8


Politicians, Pundits,

and Stars:

D in R.E.A.D.

Every time a person is rewarded for a behavior, the
behavior becomes entrenched. The toddler shakes her head
“no.” It works. She does it again and again. Adults are those
children covered in more layers of life. When something
works, you keep it in your repertoire and build on it.

When you hit conflict or simply need to influence some-
one, you revert to a successful model. Some of these behav-
iors will be conscious and intentional, and others will be
adaptors that have worked for so long they become second
nature. Here are a few strategy models. Look around you
and create your own list based on what you observe, so that
it becomes a tool for you to use in the “D,” or decide, of

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