I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

Using R.E.A.D. 275

ƒ Review: Look at the holistic, as well as the scalp-to-sole
indicators. Take in every detail.
ƒ Evaluate: Know which one of the many pieces means
more than the others.
ƒ Analyze: Use your powerful brain and overlay what
you know on the grid of learned skills.
ƒ Decide: What will you do with the information? Will
you call the person out and use your own body lan-
guage as though it were a weapon, or simply make
note of the behavior?
I have covered not only passive observation of body language,
but also using body language proactively as a weapon. Be very
careful with the latter application. Many young interrogators have
gotten more than they bargained for by tapping into the hostile side
of their human subjects. When people feel threatened, they lash out.

Remember how the process works. Reviewcomes first for a
reason. Simply by watching, you may find out you are dealing
with someone who is genuine. You would not want to mess that
up by engaging in body-language tricks that manipulate emotions.
Conversely, you may discover that, based on his body language, he
is an expert and far more dangerous than you want to tangle with.
The system is simple and not magic. It is based on observing
and saying to yourself, “Now, why did he do that?”

Finally, you may be surprised by this advice: just ask. Having
gone through this course, you are so much more attuned to what
people are saying with their bodies than most other people, which

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