I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

Index 281

culture shock, response to, 61-62
D’Onofrio, Vincent, 20-21
Data, 80, 188
dating, 267-268
Depp interview, Johnny, 228-229
devil’s advocate, playing, 255
disability, impact of, 106-108
distance, 237
distraction as mood or emotion, 131
ears, the, 87-88
embarrassment as mood or
emotion, 141-142
energy level, 148-149
excitement as mood or emotion,
experts, shut up in a room full
of, 254-255
extremities, the, 102-105
droop, 85
makeup, 84-85
movement, 82-84
twitch, 85
eyebrow, arching of an, 76-77
eyebrow flash, the, 73-74
eyebrows in “request for
approval,” 74-76
eyebrows, the, 72-80
eyelids, the, 84-86
eyes, the, 81-87
facial movements, 33-34
fear as mood or emotion, 137-139
feet, the, 104-105

fig-leaf posture, 102
as barrier, 121
filter, gender as a , 164-170
filters, 163-164
flexibility as rounded movements,
focus and gait, 154
Foley, Mark, 222
forehead, the, 68-72
wrinkled, 71-72
friend or acquaintance, deter
mining if someone is a,
gait, 151
focus and, 154
lilt of, 154
speed of, 152-153
stride of, 153-154
Gates, Bill, as super-typical, 40
gender as a filter, 164-170
and cultural context, 125-126
and group evolution, 126
Gibson, Mel, 131
Godless: The Church of Liberalism, 220
gravity, movement and center
of, 155-159
Great Depression, the, 45-46
hairstyles, 109-110
hands, 102-104
grooming of the, 102-103
secret signal with the, 103-104
handshake, American, 146
Hannity & Colmes, 219
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