z Synonyms and related words for facile include VNLOOHG, adroit,
adept, dexterous, and SUR¿FLHQW.
z In addition to having a positive connotation, facile may also have
a negative one; that is, something can be done with too much ease,
showing little care or attention to detail. For example: “His facile
answer on the essay portion of the exam earned him a D overall.”
Alacrity (noun)
A quick and cheerful readiness and eagerness to do something.
z People who do their work quickly, willingly, and promptly are said
to work with alacrity, as in the following context sentence: “She
dove into the research paper assignment with alacrity, illustrating
their topics.”
z Synonyms for alacrity include vivacity, animation, sprightliness,
ebullience, get-up-and-go, vim and vigor, liveliness, zeal, avidity,
and expedition.
Indolent (adjective)
Habitually lazy and slow; tending to avoid exertion.
z Indolent is used to describe laggards, slackers, loafers, clock-
watchers, do-nothings, malingerers, and procrastinators. Consider,
for example, this context sentence: “The indolent writer never made
it out of bed before noon; he was usually too lazy to check the
credibility of his sources and rarely made his deadlines.”
z The great 20th-century British moral philosopher Bernard Williams
once observed, “I like the word ‘indolence.’ It makes my laziness
seem classy.”