Herriot at a time when jobs for vets were scarce in England.
z Although a bit cantankerous or even mercurial at times, Siegfried
proves to be a fantastic boss, supporting James, a tyro veterinarian,
as he works to establish his reputation with the sometimes hard-to-
please, laconic Yorkshire farmers.
z The younger brother, Tristan, is the opposite of the hard-working
James. He is to be a perpetual student who never studies but
eventually passes his exams, never seems to worry, and parties
nearly every night, yet everything seems to work out for him in the
end. He’s indolent but has an incredibly facile mind, and his devil-
may-care approach to life might best be described as insouciant.
- This word describes someone who is overly emotional, to the point of
being sickly sweet. - This word describes someone who is youthful and inexperienced.
- This word describes someone who has a holier-than-thou attitude.
- Differentiate between didactic and pedantic.
Review Questions