And the van comes from the Latin vanesco, meaning “to vanish.”
In your vocabulary notebook, make a note that evanescent things
vanish quickly.
Feckless (adjective)
- Weak and ineffective.
- Worthless, lazy, and irresponsible.
z )HFNOHVV comes from a Scottish word, IHFN, which was a shortened
form of effect and meant “effect, value, and vigor.” If you add the
VXI¿[less to IHFN, you get “without effect, value or vigor.”
Someone who is given to wildly extravagant and grossly self-indulgent
Generating New Words
z New words are introduced into English every day, although not all
of them survive. When a new word is coined and is in the process
of entering common use, it’s called a neologism. This word comes
IURPWKH*UHHNSUH¿[neo-, meaning “new,” and the Greek noun
logos, meaning “word.”
z Nonce words are those invented for a particular occasion; they are
typically used spontaneously and just once. One of the most famous
of all nonce words came from the classic 1964 Disney musical
Mary Poppins: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
z A language might also expand its lexicon by borrowing words
from another language. We discussed this phenomenon in the two
lectures that explored such words as insouciant from French and