
(Brent) #1

Chlamydia 187
Chloris chloris 143
Chrysemys picta 35
Chrysopalex 22
chytrid fungus 187–8
Circus cyaneus 171
Clethrionomys 13
glareolus 167
Coccothraustes coccothraustes 143
Cochliomyia hominivorax 360
coconut crab 31
Coelodonta antiguilatis 12
Colophospermum 14
Columba palumbus 132
community/communities 11
gradients 366
competition, general
apparent 367
disease 134
exploitative 131
interference 131
testing for 131
competition, interspecific
apparent competition 153 – 4, 160
applied aspects 159 – 62
assumptions 136
competitive exclusion 142
competitive release 141
and conservation 159 – 60
definition 135
domestic and wildlife 160 –1
exotic species 161–2
exploitation 36
facilitation 154 –7
graphical models 136 –8
interference 136
natural experiments 141–2
niche 143 –5
perturbation experiments 138 –43
resource partitioning 146 –53
in variable environments 153
competition, intraspecific
definition 131
direct measures of food 132 –3
experimental food alteration 131–2
for food117, 131– 4
food, predators and disease 134
indirect measures of food 133
problems with measures 133 – 4
types of 131
competitive exclusion 142
competitive release 141

Andean 324
California 319 –20
Connochaetes taurinus 368
conservation in practice 312–34
CITES 333 –4, 334
community conservation 332
consumer-resource model 197–8, 199
control, statistical 273 –5
dynamics 198, 205 – 6, 209, 211
functional response 201
moose 207
functional response 208
numerical response 202
parameters 197
plants 207
rainfall effects 206
red kangaroo 201– 6
stability of 198, 210
tri-trophic system 207
vegetation growth 200
wolf 207
functional response 208
territoriality 210
continental drift 23 –5
control, methods 358 –64
biological control 360
chemosterilant 361
direct killing 358 –9
eradication 359 – 60
exclusion 363
genetic engineering 363
habitat and food manipulation 364
immunocontraception 362 –3
indirect 363 –4
manipulating fertility 360 –3, 361
manipulating mortality 358 –60
sonic deterrents 363 –4
control, wildlife 355 – 64
appropriate 357– 8
definitions 355
effects of 356
methods 358 –64
objectives of 356 –7
convergence 21–2
corridors 329 –30, 330 , 331
advantages 331
disadvantages 331
extinction prevention 321–3
extinction processes 312–21
international 332 – 4
in parks and reserves 324 –32

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