
(Brent) #1
goat 360
golden eagle 308
Gondwanaland 24 –5
lesser snow 29, 54, 157
snow 374, 376
white-fronted 54
goshawk 12
grasshoppers 69
grasslands 15 –17
grazers 68
grasses 158
succession 155
greenfinch 143
red 114, 120 , 131–2, 171, 184, 185 ,
189 –90, 192
sage 162
growth 247
americana194, 325
canadensis 54
Guam 306
bridled 33
common 33
guinea pig 51
black-backed 31
black-headed 95, 177
herring 31, 95
Gymnogyps californianus 319
bengalensis 319
coprotheres 38
indicus 319
tenuirostris 319

habitat 11
habitat selection 70 –3, 149 –53
density-dependent 72– 4
ideal despotic distribution 74
ideal free distribution 72
in birds 73
in fish 73
marginal value 151
optimal foraging 151
shared preference 151
Haematopus ostralagus 74
Haemophysalis spinigera 192
Halichoerus grypus34, 187, 363


Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium law 292
arctic 16
European 187, 191
hispid 314
mountain 190
snowshoe 12, 35, 44, 51, 54, 109 –10,
110 , 115, 120, 131–2, 134, 211,
213 –14, 368, 377
harrier, hen 168, 171
hartebeest 96
harvest 346–7
additive 266, 266
commercial 347
compensatory 266, 266
recreational 346
harvest effort, regulating 343
harvest strategy 335 –47
age-biased 347
constant effort 343 – 4
constant quota 335, 340
fixed escapement 344 –5
fixed proportion 341–2
sex-biased 347
harvesting 308 –9
effects of longevity on optimal 353
elephant 351
game meat 350
lion 309
mahogany tree 352
marten 340, 342–3, 345
moose 347
principle of sustainable 335
red deer 347
waterfowl 265–7
Hawaii creeper 319
hawfinch 143
heath hen 321
Heligmosomoides polygyrus184, 189
Helogale parvula 92
Hemitragus jemlahicus91, 139, 357, 374
heritability 300
heron, great blue 221
auropunctatus163, 192
ichneumon 367
heterogeneity of variance, Bartlett’s test of
284 –5
Heterohyrax brucei21–2
heterozygosity 291–7, 293
effects of inbreeding 296
effects of random genetic drift 295

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