
(Brent) #1

marine biome 17–18
MARKprogram 85
mark–recapture 84, 236 –9
density 238 –9
frequency of capture 238
Peterson –Lincoln 236 – 8, 237
program MARK 85
Marmota 16
marrow fat 133
marten, American 337– 45, 338–40,
density dependence 338
environmental stochasticity 339
harvesting 340, 342–3, 345
prey abundance 338
americana 337
pennanti 91
mast 40
mastodon 12
matrix 244, 246
elasticity249 –50
payoff 265, 265
meadowlark, western 22
mean square error 259, 261–2, 283
Mediterranean shrubland 14 –15
Megaloceros giganteus 27
Megalonyx 12
Megaptera novaeangliae 29
Melitaea cinxia105, 310
Melopsittacus undulatus 17
Melospiza melodia 161
Mephitis mephitis 364
Meriones tristrami 141
meso-predator release 367– 8
multiple scales 376 –7
multiple states 370 –1
niche 366
overpredation 369 –70
top-down and bottom-up 371–3
trophic cascade 366 –7
trophic levels 367
meta-analysis 279
metapopulation 30, 104– 8, 310
and dispersal 104 –6
fragmentation 107– 8
habitat loss 106 –7
source –sink 108
Metrosideros 152
microparasites 179
Microtus13, 16, 167– 8, 184

agrestis 191
nesophilus 314
townsendii 139
migration 372
of prey 176
bell 369
noisy 383
minerals 38 –9
minimum viable population (MVP)
299 –300
mistletoe 370
mitochondrial DNA 29 –30, 34
moa 25, 374
models 1, 253 –64
alternative 253 – 4
evaluation 254, 263 – 4
spatially explicit 309
Mohoua ochrocephala 176
golden 22
marsupial 22
Molothrus ater174, 193, 314
monarch butterfly 42
mongoose 359
dwarf 92
Egyptian 367
Indian 163, 192
Monte Carlo model 125, 301, 305
moose 25, 40, 60, 65, 65 , 95, 164, 171,
173, 190, 192, 207– 8, 208–9, 212 , 221,
236, 347, 369, 372, 374
Morbillivirus 186
compensatory 265
measurement of 115
moth, pine beauty 358
mountain goat 26, 152
mouse, house 109, 120, 176, 357, 359 – 60,
363, 368
multiple states 370 –1
domesticus109, 120, 176
musculus 368
muskox 25, 176, 177, 317–18, 322–3,
muskrat 103, 103–4
muskshrew, Indian 360
erminea163, 176, 191, 359, 369
furo92, 169, 359, 367
nigripes157, 193, 316

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