
(Brent) #1
pine (cont’d)
ponderosa 13
Scots 12
banksiana 375
ponderosa 13
radiata 13
sylvestris 12
azurophilum 190
relictum 192
Plectrophenax nivalis 16
pleitropy 20
plover, piping 375
pocket mice 17
Podocarpus 13
policy 7– 8
criteria of failure 8
Poliptila californica 72
polygamy 298
polygenic effects 20
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 28 –9
polymorphic loci 292
polymorphism 32–3
stable 33
transient 33
population census 254
population cycles 209 –14
deer 211
lynx 214
moose 210
snowshoe hares 212
stable limit 198, 209
wolves 209
population growth 78 – 89
exponential and geometric 88 – 9, 89
fecundity 82, 83
intrinsic rate 80 –1, 81–2
life table direct 84 –5
life table indirect 85 –7
life-table parameters 87– 8
mortality 82– 4
rate of increase 78 – 81
population growth model
exponential 88
geometric 88, 262
population growth rate, exponential 255
population outbreaks 120
population regulation 109 –31
applications of 120 –1
birth and death rates 115 –16
carrying capacity 114 –15


cycles, chaos, stability 125 –31
delayed and inverse 114
density dependence 111–12
evidence for 116 –20
examples of 118 –20
limitation 112
logistic model 121–5
mean density 117–18, 118
perturbation experiments 116 –17
regulation 113 –14
stability 109 –10
theory of 111–16
population stability 109
population viability analysis (PVA) 124 –5,
300 –10
problems with 304
porcupine 35
porpoise, harbor 232
brushtail 56, 176, 359, 362, 370
ringtail 21–2, 51
pouched mouse 17
prairie dog 317, 322
black-tailed 156
precision in sampling 221
behavior of prey 176–7
cannibalism 163
carnivory 163
definition 163
destabilizing 174 –6
herbivory 163
parasitism 163
and prey density 164 –5
and regulation 171–3
predator-mediated coexistence 378
predator–prey model 306
predator-sensitive foraging 134
behavior 165 –9
functional response 165 –8, 170,
interference 169
numerical response 169 –70
and prey patches 169
search efficiency 166
total response 170 –6
Presbytis entellus 192
endemic 306 –7
exotic 306 –7
prey preference 307

WECD04 08/17/2005 04:57PM Page 464

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