A population’s rate of increase is determined by its size, by how many animals are
born, and by how many die during a year. Hence, birth rate is an important com-
ponent of population dynamics that can be measured in a number of ways. Of these
the most useful is fecundity rate.
We measure fecundity rate as the number of female live births per female per unit
of time (usually 1 year). That figure is often broken down into age classes to give a
fecundity schedule as in Table 6.2, and each value is denoted mx, female births per
female in the age interval xto x+1.
The number of animals that die over a year is another important determinant of rate
of increase, and again it can be measured in a number of ways. We measure it as the
mortality rate, the number of animals that die during a unit of time (usually 1 year)
divided by the number alive at the beginning of the time unit. As with fecundity, the
rate is often given for each interval of age.
The pattern of mortality with age is summarized as a life table, which has a
number of columns as in Table 6.3. The first is the age interval labeled by the age
at the beginning of the interval and denoted x. The second is survivorship lx, the
probability at birth of surviving to age x. The third is mortality dx, the probability at
birth of dying in the age intervalx, x+1. The fourth, the most useful, is mortality
rate qx, the probability of an animal age xdying before the age of x+1. The fifth,
82 Chapter 6
101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Weight (g)
Multimammate rat
Short-tailed vole
Norway rat
White-tailed deer
Roe deer Wapiti
Man (not used) African elephant
Fig. 6.2Intrinsic rate of rm = 18 W– 0.36
increase of mammals
plotted against body
weight. (After Caughley
and Krebs 1983.)
Weight (kg) rm
1 1.50
10 0.65
100 0.29
1000 0.08
Table 6.1Expected
intrinsic rates of
increasermon a yearly
basis for herbivorous
mammals as estimated
from mean adult live