Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1
Boden is the biggest gram Panchayat of the block, comprising 17 wards and
5 villages. I am 42 years old and have studied upto Class VII. I live with my
husband and 2 children, and we own some shops in the village. I belong to a
conservative family, but my interest and my family’s support motivated me to
contest the Panchayat elections and subsequently I was elected as the President.
My term has been far from easy and I have had to face several challenges only
within months of joining office. People of various disciplines like politicians,
contractors, government Officials and some other powerful people have some
expectations from the village, which is also the Block Headquarters when
compared to other gram Panchayats (gPs). In such circumstances, I ensure
that no male relative of elected women representatives officiate on their behalf
in Panchayat meetings. I am also against the unnecessary interference of some
contractors & local politicians in activities of the gP.

I was the first one to oppose the supply faulty supply of rice packets (under
the Public Distribution System) to my gP, and consequently, my family and I
had to undergo several problems. Under the instructions of a local contractor
and the then Supply Inspector, some anti-social elements came to my house,
shouted slogans against me and abused me. When I complained to the
Supply Inspector, he applied more pressure and even threatened to wipe out
my entire family. He seized my brother-in-law’s tractor on a false charge of
using kerosene to run it. I complained to the administration but no action
was taken. Later on, I attended the District Convention of PRI members of
Nuapada district, organized by AYAUSKAM and its partner NgOs, and put
forward my problems to the gathering. Everyone supported and empathized
with me, especially the PRI members. The Vice-Chairperson of Nuapada Zilla
Parishad, was also present in the meeting and he assured me that action would
be taken against the Boden Supply Inspector. Through his efforts, the Supply
Inspector was finally transferred from Boden and a new person was posted. The
old stock was replaced with new full-weight rice packets and regular checks are
carried out to ensure the quality and quantity of the stocks supplied.

When the Supply Inspector was posted in another block, Sinapali, the PRI
members vehemently opposed his posting due to his bad reputation and he

Saroj Agrawal
Panchayat: Boden
Block: Boden
District: Nuapada

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