Women Leaders in Village Panchayats

(Nandana) #1

HIV-AIDS. After these camps, women have begun taking special care of their

I have also reached out to women of economically marginalised families to
understand and apply for development Schemes that could help enhance
their economic condition. I believe that if such women gain access to this
information it will not be long before women race ahead of men.

Some of the challenges I have faced include regular obstruction of development
work I have undertaken. People have openly commented saying that I take
women with me to gram Sabha but nothing ever happens there. I was once
asked to sit in on a domestic violence case. When I supported the woman, the
men got annoyed with me despite the fact that it was the fault of the husband.
For the next hearing of the case, I asked members of the Panchayat Mandali
to accompany me so that people and especially the survivor of abuse would
be able to draw support from so many women. That woman was then able to
express her feelings openly. The case was ruled in her favour.

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