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much of the argument for Heiberg’s excisions – his major editorial inter-
vention in the text of Archimedes – disappears.
Perhaps the answer should be negative; perhaps Heiberg was right in
his reconfi guration of the Archimedean text. But this article serves as a
note of caution: authors possess complex individual styles, and it is always
hazardous to revise them on the basis of any single editorial policy. Which,
once again, reminds us that we should not blame Heiberg: is it fair to ask
anyone to make himself, deliberately, inconsistent? Such is the editor’s
plight: forever limping upon his crutches of a single method – gasping, out
of breath, as he tries to catch up with an author who fl ies upon the wings of
a c r e a t i v e m i n d.
Abbreviations used in this chapter
SC Sphere and Cylinder
D C Measurement of the Circle
CS Conoids and Spheroids
S L Spiral Lines
P E Planes in Equilibrium
Aren. Arenarius
Q P Quadrature of Parabola
FB Floating Bodies
Meth. Method
Stom. Stomachion
B o v. Cattle Problem
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