Contextualizing Playfair and Colebrooke 249
off ered both algebraic and geometrical proofs. In a contemporary idiom
these rules are stated as:
2 ab + (a − b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 i
(a + b) (a − b) = a^2 − b^2 ii
§134 of the Lilavati is translated from Sanskrit as:
Th e square root of the sum of the squares of those legs is the diagonal. Th e square
root, extracted from the diff erence of the squares of the diagonal and side is the
upright; and that extracted from the diff erence of the squares of the diagonal and
upright, is the side. 88
§135 that follows is translated as:
Twice the product of two quantities, added to the square of their diff erence, will
be the sum of their squares. Th e product of their sum and diff erence will be the
diff erence of their squares: as must be everywhere understood by the intelligent
And this theorem came in for much discussion from the 1790s when
Playfair fi rst wrote about it in his discussion of Davis’ translation of the
Now §135 is marked with two footnotes: the one indicates that §135 is a
stanza of six verses in the anustubh metre and the next importantly indi-
cates that Ganesa the commentator on Bhaskara’s Lilavati provides both
an ‘algebraic and geometrical proof ’ of the latter rule, the one marked as ii
above (my labelling), and an algebraic demonstration of the fi rst marked as
i above (my labelling). Colebrooke is not just translating from Bhaskara II ’s
Lilavati : in the footnotes he intercalates a translation of Ganesa’s commen-
tary. Th e latter demonstration is taken from the Bija-Ganita §148; and it is
in §147 that the fi rst of the rules is given and demonstrated.^90 C o l e b r o o k e
renders the term Cshetragatopapatti as geometrical demonstration and
Upapatti avyucta-criyaya as proof by algebra. 91 We come to one of the geo-
metrical demonstrations of rule labelled ii as given in the Bija-Ganita §148
and §149 of Bhaskara to which Colebrooke refers as such.
§148: Example: Tell me friend, the side, upright and hypotenuse in a [triangular]
plane fi gure, in which the square-root of three less than the side, being lessened by
one, is the diff erence between the upright and the hypotenuse. 92
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 C1817: 222–3.
91 C1817: 59.
92 C1817: 223.