342 reviel netz
To two given ςς: to add to the smaller of them, and to take away from the greater,
and to make the resulting <number> have a given ratio to the remainder.
Let it be set forth to add to 20, and to take away from 100 the same ς, and to
make the greater 4-times the smaller.
(a) Let the <number> which is added and taken away from each ς <sc. of
the two given numbers> be set down, <namely> number, one. (1) And if it is
added to twenty, results: ς 1 Μ ο 20. (2) And if it is taken away from 100, results:
Μ ο 100 lacking number 1. (3) And it shall be required that the greater be 4- tms
the smaller. (4) Th erefore four- tms the smaller is equal to the greater; (5) but
four- tms the smaller results: Μ ο 400 Ψ ς4; (6) these equal ς 1 Μ ο 20
(7) Let the subtraction be added <as> common, (8) and let similar
<terms> be taken away from similar <terms>. (9) Remaining: numbers, 5,
equal Μ ο 380. (10) And the ς results: monads, 76.
To the positions. I put the added and the taken away on each ς, ς 1; it shall
be Μ ο 76. And if Μ ο 76 is added to 20, result: monads, 96; and if it is taken
away from 100, remaining: monads, 24. And the greater shall stand being
4- tms the smaller.
Diophantus the deuteronomist: systematization and the general
To understand the function of the text above, I move on to compare it
with three other, hypothetical texts. I argue that all were possible in the
late ancient Mediterranean. However, only the fi rst two had existed,
while the third remained as a mere logical possibility, never actualized in
Text 1:
A: I have a hundred and a twenty. I take away a number from the greater and add it
to the smaller. Now the smaller has become four times that which was greater. How
much did I take away and add?
A: Seventy six! Check for yourself.
Text 2:
Hundred and twenty. I took away from the greater and added the same to the
smaller, and the smaller became four times that which had been greater.
Take the greater, a hundred. Its four times is four hundred. Take away the
smaller, twenty. Left is three hundred eighty. Four plus one is fi ve. Divide three
hundred eighty by fi ve: seventy six. Seventy six is the number taken away and