580 Index
Elements (Euclid) (cont.)
divergences between proofs in the various
manuscripts, 22, 90
Edition August, 82, 137
Edition Gregory, 82, 138
Edition Grynaeus, 82, 138
Edition Heiberg, 70, 74, 77, 82–3, 100, 117,
130, 136–7, 141–5, 153–4
Edition Peyrard, 82, 130
indirect tradition, 21–2, 75–7, 78–9, 85–8, 93,
100, 104, 105, 113–19, 122, 124–5
logical gaps, 21–2, 100–4
Bodleian 301 , 73, 78, 83, 111
Bologna 18–19, 78, 81–2, 86, 101, 115,
Escorial 221 , 78
Florence 28.3, 78
Rabat 53 , 152, 160
Uppsala 20 , 152, 160
Va t i c a n 190 , 5, 73, 78, 80, 82–5, 91, 92,
94–5, 97–8, 100, 101, 111, 115, 116,
Vienna 31 , 78
see also manuscripts (Greek)
problem, 39, 146–7
Proposition i. 1 , 97–8
Proposition i. 7 , 141
Proposition i. 13 , 138
Proposition i. 22 , 155–6
Proposition i. 35 , 141–2
Proposition i. 44 , 143–4, 155
Proposition i. 45 , 91, 121
Proposition ii. 7 , 144
Proposition ii. 14 , 91, 102, 121
Proposition iii. 21 , 154–6
Proposition iii. 24 , 82
Proposition iii. 25 , 115, 152
Proposition iii. 31 , 112, 152
Proposition iii. 33 , 115
Proposition iii. 35 , 115
Proposition iii. 36 , 115, 152
Proposition iii. 37 , 103, 115, 121
Proposition iv. 5 , 115, 152
Proposition iv. 10 , 103
Proposition iv. 16 , 146–7, 153
Proposition vi. 20 , 112, 142–3
Proposition vi. 22 , 112
Proposition vi. 31 , 112
Proposition vi. 33 , 80, 85
Proposition ix. 2 , 104, 117
Proposition ix. 19 , 82, 115
Proposition x. 9 , 112
Proposition x. 12 , 102
Proposition x. 13 , 102
Proposition x. 13 vulgo , 82
Proposition x. 16 , 121
Proposition x. 72 , 91, 116
Proposition x.111, 116
Proposition xi. 1 , 94–8
Proposition xi. 12 , 137
Proposition xi. 31 , 91
Proposition xi. 33 , 149
Proposition xi. 34 , 91, 101
Proposition xi. 37 , 112
Proposition xi. 38 , 82, 137
Proposition xi. 38 vulgo , 80–1, 103
Proposition xi. 39 , 136
Proposition xii. 5 , 102, 103, 121
Proposition xii. 6 , 92, 102, 103
Proposition xii. 7 , 102, 121
Proposition xii. 8 , 102, 121
Proposition xii. 9 , 101
Proposition xii. 10 , 103
Proposition xii. 11 , 101, 103
Proposition xii. 13 , 101–2
Proposition xii.14, 101–2
Proposition xii. 15 , 100–2
Proposition xii. 17 , 103, 114–15, 137
Proposition xiii. 6 , 80
Proposition xiii. 11 , 118
Proposition xiii. 15 , 136
Propositions Book i, 141
Propositions Books ii–iv, 141
Propositions Book ii. 2 – 10, 112
Propositions Book vi. 9 – 13, 105–6
Propositions Book viii. 11 – 12, 121
Propositions Book viii. 14 – 17, 104–5
Propositions Book viii. 22 – 3, 115, 117, 126,
Propositions Book viii. 26 – 7, 104
Propositions Book ix. 30 – 1, 104, 117
Propositions Book x. 5 – 8, 104
Propositions Book x. 27 – 8, 121
Propositions Book x. 31 – 2, 91
Propositions Book x. 66 – 70, 107–9, 115
Propositions Book x. 103 – 7, 107–9, 115
Propositions Book xi. 36 -xii.17, 81, 82, 119,
Propositions Book xiii. 1 – 5, 112, 115
‘wrong text’ of Euclid’s Elements , 20, 66, 84,
87–8, 93, 114, 122, 134
see also Euclid
Eneström, G. H., 279
Engelfriet, P., 3, 13, 65, 567–8
engineering, 299