The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

Index 585

Lardinois, R., 256, 259
latin science, 2, 21–3, 37
latitude, 495–8
Laudan, L., 5, 66
layout of text, 388, 412–16, 418
columns as related to the statement of rules
which ground the correctness of the
algorithm, 45–6
created for a kind of texts, 44–7
spatial elements of, 45
Le Gentil, G. H. J. B., 234, 236, 238, 239, 258
Lear, J., 304
Lee Hong-Chi , Th omas, 513–14, 520,
Leibniz, G. W., 3, 15, 65, 67
Leiden , 399, see manuscripts (Arabic)
Lejeune, A., 139
lemma, 23, 92, 100, 103, 125, 126, 129
Lenstra, H. W., 255, 258
Lévy, T., 89, 105, 106, 134
li (Vietnamese, Chinese: li , measure of
weight), 538, 540, 542
Li Chunfeng , 47, 54, 55, 424, 429, 435,
442, 467, 473, 480, 483, 518–19, 532–7
Li Di , 518
Li Jimin , 423, 427, 429, 452, 459, 460,
468, 485, 568
Li Rui , 56–9, 63, 553–4, 556, 560–1, 563,
L i Y a n , 427, 433, 514, 533
L i Y e , 57–8, 450, 558, 566
Li Zhaohua , 548, 557
Libbrecht, U., 513
Libri, G., 278
Lilavati , 235–6, 240, 243, 245–9, 257, 262,
linear perspective, 137, 139, 148–51
literal signs, 6, 245, 328
literate mathematics, 344–7, 351–2, 356–7
Liu Dun , 548, 553, 567
Liu Hui , 47, 54–5, 64, 67, 423–86, 516,
518–19, 529, 531–4, 536–7, 542, 552–3,
560, 566
Liu Xiaosun , 531–4
Lloyd, A. C., 210
Lloyd, G. E. R., 1–2, 10, 14, 28–30, 34, 38, 42, 60,
66, 294–308
logic, 281–3, 288
wanting amongst the Indians, 282
see also syllogism
Loria, G., 279
lü , 427, 440, 445, 448, 468–72, 474–5, 479,
485, 529

‘ lü s put in relation with each other’ xiangyu lü
, 460–1, 470
lu ‘Protocol [of computations]’, 521, 530
Lun, A. W.-C., 423, 427, 433, 486
Lun yu , 540
lượng (Vietnamese, Chinese: liang , measure
of weight), 524, 528, 539–44
Luro, J.-B.-E., 523
MacKenzie, D., 10, 66, 229, 258
Mâhânî (al-), Abû ‘Abdallâh Muhammad ibn
‘Isâ, 87, 131, 134
Mancosu, P., 14, 66
Mandelbrot, B., 16, 17
manuscripts (Arabic), 78, 86, 109, 117–19
Codex Leidensis 399 , 85, 87, 106, 117, 119,
120, 130, 139
Rabat 53 , 152
Uppsala 20 , 152
manuscripts (Greek), 72, 73, 77–8, 80, 83, 100,
106, 107, 110–11, 329, 331, 333,
Bodleian 301 , 73, 78, 83, 111, 142–5, 147,
152–4, 156
Bologna 18–19, 78, 81–2, 86, 101, 115, 121–2,
144, 146, 156
Florence 28.3, 78, 147, 156
Paris 2344 , 78
Paris 2466 , 78, 147
Th eonine mss., 80–1, 82–5, 91, 92, 93, 94–5,
97–8, 101, 113, 115, 128–9
Va t i c a n 190 , 73, 78, 80, 82–5, 91, 92, 93, 94–5,
97–8, 100, 101, 111, 113, 115, 116,
128–9, 137–8, 141–2, 144, 147, 149,
Va t i c a n 204 , 140, 150–1
Va t i c a n 206 , 145–6, 149
Vienna 31 , 78, 144, 147, 153–5, 156
see also Archimedes (Palimpsest)
manuscripts (Latin),
Vatican Ottob. 1850 , 146, 165
Marini, Giovanni Filippo de, 541
Martija-Ochoa, I., 1
Martzloff , J.-C., 2–3, 66–7, 293, 510, 513,
518–19, 529, 545–6
Massoutié, G., 323
Master Sun , see Sun zi
masters of truth, 1
Mathematical College, see Suan xue
mathematical education, 2, 3, 44, 54–6, 389,
511, 513–14, 523, 534
administrative sources on state education
system, 54–5
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