The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

588 Index

objects (cont.)
m a t e r i a l versus immaterial, 207, 212, 219, 225
mathematical, 207–8, 212–14, 218–19,
221–2, 225
ontological status of, 208, 212, 219, 221,
Oelsner, J., 390
Old Babylonian
‘algebra’, see algebra
mathematical terminology, 364–7, 374, 377
mathematical texts, 40, 364, 367, 371, 374,
377, 379, 509
period, 364, 384, 387–9, 399, 410
Old History of the Tang [dynasty] , see Jiu Tang
operations, 38, 40–6, 48–50, 58, 59, 61, 62, 460,
490–1, 494, 498, 500
arithmetical, 509; see also fractions,
on statements of equality, 38, 49, 449–50
symbols to carry out operations in the
Arithmetics , 37, 38
optics, 298, 304
Optics , see Euclid Ptolemy
oral teaching in Old Babylonian mathematics,
370, 376
o r a l versus written, 16, 19, 53, 503, 507–8
order (change of ) in Euclid’s Elements , 23, 90,
92, 93, 99, 105–7, 114–15, 125, 127, 129
Oriental, 7, 9, 286, 288, 291
‘Oriental nations’, 5, 274
‘Oriental science’, 5, 7, 275, 291
Orientalism, 228, 230, 256–7, 258, 259, 278,
279, 288, 291
Orientals, 9, 282, 290
computational and algebraical operations,
‘imaginative Orientals’, 274
Otte, M., 351
outline, 552–3, 558, 560–3
Ouyang Xiu , 548
overspecifi cation, see diagram
overvaluation of some features attached to
p r o o f , 4
incontrovertibility of its conclusion, 4, 14, 18
rigour of its conduct, 4, 15
Palimpsest, see Archimedes
Pañcasiddhānta, 262–5, 273
pandit, 264, 270, 272
P ā n. ini, 281
Paninian grammar, 51, 281
Panza, M., 351

Pappus of Alexandria, 76, 85–6, 111, 113, 131,
171, 298–9, 301, 331
Collection , 139
comments on Euclid’s Optics 35, 150
Commentary to Ptolemy’s Almagest , 139
papyri, 71, 73–4, 340, 344–5
paradigm, 31, 32, 38, 41–2, 58, 63, 424, 457, 484
Parry, M., 190
parts, see fen, fractions
parts of the product jifen , 434, 436,
439–40, 443, 455, 465
parts-coeffi cients, see fenlü
parts-multiples, see fenlü
Pascal, B., 18, 65
Pascal triangle, 512
Pasquali, G., 70, 134
Patte, F., 12, 56, 67
Peacock, G., 11
Peng Hao , 423, 430, 456–7, 473, 485
Pereyra, 206, 223–4
perspective, see linear perspective
persuasion, 302 , 306
Peyrard, F., 5, 66, 80–1, 82, 130
phan (Vietnamese, Chinese: fen , measure of
weight), 538, 540, 542
Phan Huy Khuông , 524, 537
Phenomena , see Euclid
Philolaus, 295, 298
philology, 74–7, 261–6, 278
format, 72, 84, 164, 191–5, 203, 345, 347, 353,
359, 405–7, 530, 534, 536, 539
practice of excision, 176–85
Philoponus, J., 27, 207–22
philosophy, 3–4, 10, 13, 15, 294–5, 303–4,
history of, 15
Indian, 280–1
see also history of the philosophy of science
physics, 295–6, 298, 300
Piccolomini, A., 206, 223, 225
Pingree, D., 262, 273
Plato, 8, 15, 66, 179, 294, 297–300, 302–4, 306
Playfair, J., 231–4, 238–9, 242–3, 247, 249, 258,
276–7, 279, 280, 293
Plimpton 322 (cuneiform tablet), 509
Plooij, E. B., 87, 132, 134
Plutarch, 298–9
Pococke, E., 288
Poincaré, H., 15, 168–9, 175
of knowledge, 4, 10, 67, 228, 258
of the historiography of mathematical proof,
5, 10, 59
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