The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

594 Index

textual techniques, 43, 44, 60
textual tradition, 78
direct/indirect, 74–7, 78–9, 88–93, 101,
104–5, 107, 113–19, 124–5
Th âbit ibn Qurra, 78, 86, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96,
103–5, 106, 107, 109–10, 116–19,
Th ales, 295
Th e Nine Chapters of Mathematical Procedures ,
see Jiu zhang suan shu
Th eaetetus, 304
Th eocritus, 190, 191
Th eodorus, 304
Th eodosius, 139
On Days and Nights, 136
Spherics, 139–40, 150, 158
scholia, 156
Spherics ii 6, 150
Spherics ii 15 , 151, 159
Spherics manuscript Va t i c a n 204 , 140,
theology, 2–3, 13, 300, 304
Th eon (of Alexandria), 79–81, 83–5, 88, 131
Commentary to Ptolemy’s Almagest , 139
Th eon of Smyrna, 311
theorem, 10, 16, 17, 39, 43, 56, 67
as statements proved to be true, 39, 425
see also Pythagoras (Pythagorean theorem)
theoretical value, 16, 425; see also
epistemological values attached to
theory, 17, 290
Egyptian (inductive), 286
Greek (deductive), 1, 5, 26–7, 286
Th ibaut, G. F. W., 8–9, 12, 260–73
Th om, R., 16, 17
Th omaidis, Y., 348
Th omson, W., 86, 130, 131, 161
Th ucydides, 302, 306
Th ureau-Dangin, F., 364, 369
Th urston, W. P., 15, 16, 17, 20, 67
Th ymaridas, 282
Tian Miao , 56–9, 552–73
tian shi , 524
Tianyuan algebra , celestial/heavenly
unknown’ algebra, 57–8, 559, 561,
tiao ‘task’, 520–2, 530, 535
tie du ‘strip reading [examination]’,
tie jing ‘examination by quotation’, 520
tien (Vietnamese, Chinese: qian , measure of
weight), 538, 542

Tihon, A., 73, 131
toán (Vietnamese, Chinese: suan )
‘operations with counting rods’, 523
Tokyo Metro, 159
Tomitano, 206
tool for calculation
abacus, 394, 404
surface in ancient China, 426, 432–5, 437–42,
459–60, 467, 472, 477–8, 483
Toomer, G. J., 158, 169, 311
Toth, I., 12
Tran Van Trai, 523
transformations, 44, 49, 426, 430–83
accomplished in the algorithm as list of
operations, 43–4, 49–50, 59, 429, 438,
440, 442, 446–50
cancelling opposed operations (eliminating
inverse operations that follow each
other), 50, 439–40, 442, 446–8, 450,
dividing at a stroke ( lianchu ), 448–9,
471–5, 480, 489
inserting an algorithm, 44, 432–3, 435–43,
459, 461, 464, 476
inverting the order of operations, 442, 448,
451, 459, 475–80, 482
p o s t fi xing operations to the text of an
algorithm, 443–6
p r e fi xing operations to the text of an
algorithm, 430
validity of algebraic transformations of
algorithms, 49–51, 59–60, 426, 438,
440, 447, 450–2, 454–6, 458–80, 482
translation, 2–3, 5, 6, 21–2, 36, 56, 75–7, 79, 81,
87–8, 109–10, 122
transliteration, 71–3, 111
transparency, 63, 354
as an actor’s category, 48, 457
ideal of, 38–40
in Babylonian tablets, 39–40, 42, 46
in Diophantus’ Arithmetics , 37–8
in writings from ancient China, 42, 48, 436,
440, 457, 479
why the texts of algorithms are not all
transparent, 49–51, 440–1
trapezoid, 498–500
Tredennick, H., 377
trigonometry, 277
trigonometrical rules, 233
trigonometrical tables, 233
Tummers, P. M. J. E., 87, 132
Tuo Tuo , 548
Tusi [pseudo-] (also Nas. īr al-Dīn al-T. ūsī, Nâsir
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